Call for Abstract

5th International Conference on Chemical and Process Engineering, will be organized around the theme “”

Chemical Process 2021 is comprised of 25 tracks and 127 sessions designed to offer comprehensive sessions that address current issues in Chemical Process 2021.

Submit your abstract to any of the mentioned tracks. All related abstracts are accepted.

Register now for the conference by choosing an appropriate package suitable to you.

Biochemical Engineering may be a branch of chemical engineering that applies engineered processes to biological organisms or systems, like bioreactors. It has often utilized in industries like agriculture, energy, pharmaceutical manufacture or sewage treatment. Chemical engineering may be a certain sort of engineering which deals with the study of operation and style of chemical plants also as methods of improving production.

  • Track 1-1Enzyme engineering
  • Track 1-2Metabolic engineering
  • Track 1-3Tissue engineering

Biotechnology and biochemical engineering are closely associated with one another as biochemical engineering is often considered a sub-branch of biotechnology. one among the first focuses of biotechnology is within the medical field, where biochemical engineers work to style pharmaceuticals, artificial organs, biomedical devices, chemical sensors, and drug delivery systems.

  • Track 2-1Uses And Applications Of Biotechnology
  • Track 2-2Medicine
  • Track 2-3Industry
  • Track 2-4Food
  • Track 2-5Environment
  • Track 2-6Types of Biotechnology
  • Track 2-7Advantages and Disadvantages of Biotechnology

Food chemistry is that the study of chemical processes and interactions of all biological and non-biological components of foods. it's almost like biochemistry in its main components like carbohydrates, lipids, and protein. So, several processes are created to make sure that the food that they produce is as safe as possible. These include pasteurization, packaging, additives, purification, GMOs, and dehydration.

  • Track 3-1Agriculture
  • Track 3-2Manufacturing
  • Track 3-3Food processing
  • Track 3-4Food service
  • Track 3-5Regulation

Chemical analysis, the study of the chemical composition and structure of drugs. Physical techniques like use of the spectrometer also are employed. Classical analysis, also termed wet chemical analysis, consists of those analytical techniques that use no mechanical or electronic instruments other than a balance.

  • Track 4-1Principal stages
  • Track 4-2Preliminary laboratory methods
  • Track 4-3Interference removal
  • Track 4-4Instrumental methods
  • Track 4-5Classical methods
  • Track 4-6Mass spectrometry
  • Track 4-7Separatory methods

Chemical analysis is mainly used for Identification and verification of the materials used in industries, Analysis of Chemical composition and contaminant detection & residue.

  • Track 5-1Material Verification
  • Track 5-2Material Identification
  • Track 5-3Chemical Composition Analysis
  • Track 5-4Contaminant Detection & Residue Analysis
  • Track 5-5Types of chemical analysis • Qualitative analysis • Quantitative analysis

Biochemical conversion is predicated on enzymatic hydrolysis of nitrocellulose material to sugars, which are subsequently fermented and distilled to offer cellulose ethanol. It involves the utilization of enzymes of bacteria or other microorganisms to interrupt down biomass through the processes of anaerobic digestion, fermentation, or composting.

  • Track 6-1Biochemical conversion technologies
  • Track 6-2Biomass biochemical/biological conversion pathways
  • Track 6-3Anaerobic digestion
  • Track 6-4Fermentation

Bioprocess technology forms the backbone of the biotechnology industry. During a bioprocess living cells like bacteria, enzymes, and chloroplast or their components are wanted to procure desired products. the method is leveraged to develop industrial products, processes and techniques to satisfy the requirements of society.

  • Track 7-1Cell bioprocessing
  • Track 7-2Upstream bioprocessing
  • Track 7-3Downstream bioprocessing

Process engineers process substances through biological, chemical & physical processes to produce useful products such as petrochemicals, gasoline, food, pharmaceuticals, metals and alloys.

  • Track 8-1Principal areas of focus in process engineering
  • Track 8-2Chemical engineering
  • Track 8-3Semiconductor industry
  • Track 8-4History of process engineering

Bio separation is defined as process steps want to purify the products from bioreactors (such as fermenters): downstream processing steps which can include extraction, precipitation, electrophoresis, and chromatography.

  • Track 9-1Bio separation of Proteins
  • Track 9-2Classification of bio separation steps
  • Track 9-3Principles of Centrifugal Sedimentation
  • Track 9-4Rotating Membrane in bio separation

Process design is different from equipment design, which is closer in spirit to the planning of unit operations. Processes often include many unit operations.

  • Track 10-1Product variety
  • Track 10-2Production lifespan
  • Track 10-3Technology
  • Track 10-4Employees
  • Track 10-5Volume of output

A process control in continuous production processes may be a discipline that uses industrial control systems to realize a production level of consistency, economy and safety which couldn't be achieved purely by human manual control. Commonly used control systems include programmable logic controller (PLC), Distributed Control System (DCS) or SCADA.

  • Track 11-1Boiler controls and power plant
  • Track 11-2Agriculture
  • Track 11-3Chemical plants
  • Track 11-4Pulp and paper mills
  • Track 11-5Quality control
  • Track 11-6Environmental control
  • Track 11-7Nuclear power plants
  • Track 11-8Water treatment plants
  • Track 11-9Metal and mines
  • Track 11-10Sewage treatment plants
  • Track 11-11Food and food processing
  • Track 11-12Pharmaceutical manufacturing
  • Track 11-13Sugar refining plants

There are two common control loop systems utilized in industrial processes. they're the open loop system and therefore the closed-loop system. The systems are distinguished by the control actions.

  • Track 12-1Open-Loop Systems
  • Track 12-2Closed Loop Systems
  • Track 12-3Control Loop Components • Primary Sensor • Load Cell • Converter • Indicator • Recorder • Controller • Actuator

Chemical reactor is an indoor volume during which a reaction takes place in chemical engineering, it's generally understood to be a process vessel want to perform a reaction, which is one among the classic unit operations in chemical change analysis. The planning of an apparatus deals with multiple aspects of chemical engineering. Reaction engineering is that the branch of chemical engineering which deals with chemical reactors and their design, especially by application of chemical kinetics to industrial systems.

  • Track 13-1Design of bioreactor
  • Track 13-2Specifications
  • Track 13-3Modelling
  • Track 13-4Operational stages in a bio-process

Chemical composition mention to be arrangement, type, and ratio of atoms in molecules of chemical substances. Chemical composition differs when chemicals are added or subtracted from a substance, when the ratio of drugs changes, or when other chemical changes occur in chemicals. The chemical composition of a pure substance corresponds to the relative amounts of the weather that make up the substance itself. It is often expressed with a formula, like an empirical or formula. The chemical composition of a mix is often defined because the distribution of the individual substances that constitute the mixture, called "components". In other words, it's like quantifying the concentration of every component. Because there are alternative ways to define the concentration of a component, there also are alternative ways to define the composition of a mix. it's going to be expressed as molar fraction, volume fraction, mass fraction, molality, molarity or normality or mixing ratio. Chemical composition of a mix is often represented graphically in plots like ternary plot and quaternary plot.


  • Track 14-1Composition of a substance
  • Track 14-2Composition of mixture
  • Track 14-3Chemical elements
  • Track 14-4Chemical compound
  • Track 14-5Chemical formulas as conversion factors
  • Track 14-6Mass percent composition of compounds
  • Track 14-7Counting Molecules by gram
  • Track 14-8Counting Atoms by gram
  • Track 14-9Calculating Molecular Formulas for Compounds
  • Track 14-10Calculating Empirical Formulas for Compounds

Chemical reaction engineering may be a specialty in chemical engineering or industrial chemistry handling chemical reactors. Frequently the term relates specifically to catalytic reaction systems where either a homogeneous catalyst or heterogeneous catalyst is present within the reactor.

  • Track 15-1Origin of chemical reaction engineering
  • Track 15-2Types of chemical reaction engineering • Synthesis • Decomposition • single replacement • double replacement.
  • Track 15-3The general characteristics of chemical reactions • Evolution of a gas • Formation of a precipitate • Change in temperature • Change in state Elementary reactions Chemical equilibrium Catalysis

Nuclear engineering is that the branch of engineering concerned with the appliance of breaking down atomic nuclei (fission) or of blending atomic nuclei (fusion), or with the appliance of other sub-atomic processes supported the principles of nuclear physics.

  • Track 16-1Nuclear medicine and medical physics
  • Track 16-2Nuclear materials
  • Track 16-3Nuclear engineering organizations
  • Track 16-4Radiation protection and measurement

Biological Engineering is an interdisciplinary area that consider the Appliance of engineering principles to research biological systems and to unravel problems within the interfacing of such systems -plant, animal or microbial-with human-designed machines, structures, processes and instrumentation.

  • Track 17-1Biomedical engineering
  • Track 17-2Tissue engineering
  • Track 17-3Biomechanics
  • Track 17-4Bioinformatics
  • Track 17-5Genetic engineering
  • Track 17-6Neural engineering
  • Track 17-7Pharmaceutical engineering
  • Track 17-8Clinical engineering
  • Track 17-9Environmental health engineering

An apparatus is an indoor volume during which a chemical reaction takes place. In chemical engineering, it's generally understood to be a process vessel want to perform a reaction, which is one among the classic unit operations in chemical change analysis.

  • Track 18-1Introduction to Complex Systems and Feedback Control
  • Track 18-2Micro reaction chambers
  • Track 18-3Creep and High-temperature Failure
  • Track 18-4Conversion of Methane in the Liquid Compression Reactor
  • Track 18-5Data preparation
  • Track 18-6Applications and Capabilities

Chemical Process Engineering (CPE) cares with the research and development of processes involved within the commercial production of chemicals and materials.  This work is driven by the necessity to profitably manufacture products that are safe, economically viable and have minimum or zero impact on the local and global environment.


Biochemistry or biological chemistry, is the study of chemical processes within and relating to living organisms. It is closely related to molecular biology, which is the study of the molecular mechanisms of biological phenomena.

  • Track 20-1Starting materials: the chemical elements of life • Biomolecules • Carbohydrates • Lipids • Proteins • Nucleic acids
  • Track 20-2Metabolism
  • Track 20-3Extremophiles
  • Track 20-4Relationship to other

A process may be a phase space, whose behavior changes over time. Control systems are needed to handle such changes within the process. Thus, it's important to know the method dynamics when a control system is meant. Process control is that the study and application of automatic control within the field of chemical engineering.

  • Track 21-1Process Modelling and Model Analysis
  • Track 21-2process industries
  • Track 21-3Problem formulation
  • Track 21-4Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy | Solid-State
  • Track 21-5Feedback Control
  • Track 21-6Applications

Downstream processing is usually considered a specialized field in biochemical engineering, itself a specialization within chemical engineering, though many of the key technologies were developed by chemists and biologists for laboratory-scale separation of biological products.

  • Track 22-1Fermentation (biochemistry)
  • Track 22-2Separation process
  • Track 22-3Biorefinery
  • Track 22-4Validation (drug manufacture)
  • Track 22-5Stages in downstream processing • Solid-Liquid Separation • Release of Intracellular Products • Concentration • Purification by Chromatography • Formulation

Chemical engineering is a field that introduces new sterilization techniques in the food industry. It has its great importance in the food industry.

  • Track 23-1Applications: • Enhance fruit and vegetable production • Food packaging • Protecting Perishable foods • Innovation in food • Safe food handling practices

Physical chemistry is that the study of macroscopic, and particulate phenomena in chemical systems in terms of the principles, practices, and concepts of physics like motion, energy, force, time, thermodynamics, quantum chemistry, physics, analytical dynamics and equilibrium.

  • Track 24-1Precision Measurement
  • Track 24-2Energy Conversion
  • Track 24-3Advanced Computing
  • Track 24-4Biomedicine
  • Track 24-5Structure and Reactivity
  • Track 24-6Molecular Dynamics and Physical Properties
  • Track 25-1Petroleum industry
  • Track 25-2Feedstock types and properties
  • Track 25-3Petrochemical Plant
  • Track 25-4Principal Features of Centrifugal Pumps for Selected Applications
  • Track 25-5Refinery-petrochemical Integration
  • Track 25-6Compressors